What To Expect In Your Session

What to Expect in Your Psychic Reading

Some of my clients come to me not seeking communication with spirits but rather clarity and insight into the challenges they’re currently facing. I ask that you refrain from volunteering any personal information during the reading. I prefer to receive guidance directly from Spirit, as this helps me understand the core issues in your life without any preconceived notions.

I am also able to look into the future. However, there is a lot of misunderstanding about predicting the future. Most people want to know what’s going to happen regarding a particular situation in their life. First of all, no psychic, including myself, can foresee your future with 100% accuracy. If they say they can, then they are not telling you the truth.

What can truly be seen at the time of your reading are the possibilities in the blueprint of your future—opportunities and obstacles based on where you are at that particular moment in life. I may see pathways that stand out strongly, meaning they are the most likely to manifest. I have been told that I am very accurate.

With that said, everything in our lives can change in an instant. This is because we have free will and create our lives moment by moment with the choices we make and the beliefs we hold.

It is common for some information that comes through in a reading to not make sense to you at the present time. Please do not regard the information as wrong. Many times, psychic messages make sense later when the information becomes clear or relevant to you.

What to Expect in Your Mediumistic Reading

When I connect with the spirit world, I never know who will come through. It’s like calling a landline (in the days before cell phones) and not knowing who will answer—it could be a family member, a distant relative, or even a friend who picks up the receiver. The spirit who answers may deliver a message before passing it along to the one you’re seeking, or they might let you know that the person you’re trying to reach isn’t available at the moment.

In my experience as a medium, about 95% of the time, the soul you want to hear from comes through. The less I know about who you want to talk to, the better I am able to hear from the spirit world. They know exactly who you want to communicate with. I like to use the analogy of calling heaven and asking for the soul you want to connect with. If that soul is available and willing, they will come forward. However, it is possible for another soul to answer the call first before handing it over to the soul the client wants to hear from.

There are various reasons why spirits do not come through. One example is that they are in a healing place and need time to transition to the next phase of their soul’s evolution—either through reincarnation or by doing spiritual work on the other side. If a spirit doesn’t come through, it doesn’t mean they’ve forgotten you or no longer love you. Often, they may hold back because they know your attachment is so strong that it could hinder your healing. They may lovingly create a boundary to encourage you to process your grief and move forward.

Spirits in God’s white light are truly enlightened and understand what you need to heal. Sometimes, their lack of communication is a message in itself—encouraging you to let go, heal, and live your life to the fullest. This doesn’t mean they don’t love you but rather that they’re offering you the freedom to begin again.

Sometimes, a message can come from a soul you don’t know. Remembering the message is important because it could be intended for a family member, friend, or coworker you will come in contact with in the future.

General Expectations of a Reading

Expect that I may ask if the information I’m providing makes sense to you. However, please refrain from offering details during the reading. Once it’s over, you’re welcome to ask any questions or share your thoughts as we reflect on the messages. The more you share during the reading, the less I can tell you. I may take brief pauses as I perceive psychic and mediumistic information. Don’t take these pauses as a sign that the reading is over.

Stay open to what you hear, even if it doesn’t make sense at first. You may receive information that you do not understand until later. For example, during a reading many years ago, I connected with a young woman’s German grandmother. She wanted her granddaughter to know how proud she was of her. The young woman was adamant that she didn’t have a German grandmother and demanded a refund. The next day, she called to apologize after learning from her mother that she indeed had a German grandmother—someone her family had never discussed for personal reasons.

Expect that you won’t be able to control the session’s content. Spirit gives you what you need to know, not necessarily what you want to know. Sometimes, knowing too much can interfere with your life path and cause you to sabotage the good Spirit has in store for you. It is not meant, nor is it necessary, to know everything or to rely on psychics and mediums too frequently.

Expect that you will have to take responsibility for your choices and decisions, no matter what you hear in your session. You may reorder your priorities as a result of what you heard or make new choices that impact the course of your life. But remember, Spirit will never tell you what to do, and neither will I. You have free will and must make your own decisions.

After a psychic or mediumistic reading, you can expect to feel different emotions based on your experience and the information you received. These feelings can include clarity, validation, empowerment, peace, hope, and relief. You might also feel skepticism. It’s important to have an open mind during and after your reading especially if some information does not make sense immediately. You may realize the significance of that information later on.